Yep, print out the checklist and
you already have completed
your first step. Now wasn't that easy peasy?
Define your intention for the month & your rules.
(Fill out the printout)
Prayer is a way to consciously acknowledge your intentions and also calling in support. You don't have to go at it alone :)
We spend money – beyond the necessities – for a variety of reasons. Status, acceptance, convenience, and gratification are a few of the most common spending triggers. We buy things because we believe they are going to help us be the person we want to become (they are not). Your spending habits cause clutter and may be contributing to why you struggle to stay organized.
If you are trying to declutter your life, save money, get ahead or build a life of financial independence, then learning how to reset your spending habits is essential!
It doesn't have to be February- Frugal February just has a nice ring to it to me. Frugal Fun (or a No Spend Challenge) are effective no matter when you do them.
Reset spending habits
Eliminates impulse spending - yes, for the average American this carries a price tag of over $300,000 (ekkkkk)
Halts the influx of clutter allowing you to make solid progress in your decluttering goals
Encourages you to use what you have
Good for the environment. yes, all item we buy WILL, I repeat WILL eventually end up in a landfill, not to mention the carbon footprint delivery/shopping makes.
Rule: Buy ONLY what you TRUELY need.
It would be VERY tough to not spend ANY money at all. We all have water and electricity bills, after all. However, there’s a BIG difference between necessary spending and unnecessary spending, and that’s what we’ll be intentional about during this month.
The rules aren’t set in stone. You need to create specific rules for your situation. Consider your areas of weakness and create rules that will help you battle your spending sprees.​
Typical categories where spending is allowed include:
Rent or mortgage
Bills (cable, internet, utilities, phone, car, etc)
Health expenses (insurance, doctor’s bills)
The idea is to rest your spending habits and eliminate spending on the non-essentials. This might mean saying goodbye to spending in categories like these:
Restaurants and take out
Coffee and drinks
Furniture/home decor (yes, this includes candles)
Nail appointments/Waxing etc.
Subscription Services
You need to make the rules for your situation. It’s important to establish upfront what’s a need and what is not. For instance, if you don’t own a car, an Uber may be required to get to work. However, getting creative is also essential to this challenge.